In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for four families in different countries throughout the...
After her widowed father dies, deaf teenager Dot moves in with her godparents, Olivia and Paul Deer. The Deers' daughter, Nina, is openly hostile to...
Jeff Bailey seems to be a mundane gas station owner in remote Bridgeport, California. He is dating local girl Ann Miller and lives a quiet life. But...
Set in the 1970s, the film focuses on Barfi, a deaf-mute young man from Darjeeling, and his relationships with two lovely girls, the rich Shruti and...
The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard...
Lionel Twain invites the world's five greatest detectives to a 'dinner and murder'. Included are a blind butler, a deaf-mute maid, screams, spinning...