This documentary film follows farmers and activists fighting together to stop the Indiana Enterprise Center, a mega-sized industrial park planned...
A conservationist fights to save the habitat of the California condor and to do it she works her way into the affections of a representative of the...
Every year, up to 50 million tons of electronic waste - computers, television sets, mobile phones, household appliances - are discarded in the...
On April 10, 2014, the environmental activist and president of the Junín community, Javier Ramírez, was arrested and sentenced to ten...
The story of people driven by greed. Kang Pil-Joo grew up at an orphanage, but he now works as a managing director of a legal team at a corporation....
ھەقسىز چەكسىز زىيارەت, ھېچقانداق ئېلان يوق, مىليونلىغان ئۇنۋان ۋە ھەر كۈنى قوشۇلىدۇ, بارلىق سۇپىلار ۋە تولۇق ئەلالاشتۇرۇلغان, ھەر قانداق جايدا ۋە ھەر ۋاقىت