A girl from a peaceful, Edo-era Japanese village seeks revenge for the death of a disgraced elder with the help of her sister and a lethal lady ninja...
The conflict between the Toyotomis and the Tokugawas has grown more intense. The formidable enemy that appears before Kasumi and her fellow ninjas on...
This installment in the story of hard hitting femme fatale Lady Ninja Kasumi finds the heroine escorting a man to Ueda Castle and protect the deadly...
During Japan's feudal era, Mitsuhide Akechi worked to foil Nobunaga Oda's ambition for the unification of the entire country. To this end, Akechi had...
In order to protect an ordinary businessman, Tsukasa Atsumi, from demons, a genius kunoichi, Shizuri Ideura, signs a master-servant contract with him...
Satoko Kusagakure, a female ninja who left her village with her comrades, finds herself living with Konoha, a high school girl working as an assassin...