Archetypal buddy cops Riggs and Murtaugh are back for another round of high-stakes action, this time setting their collective sights on bringing down...
The Ultimate Fighter is an American reality television series and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship...
Two years ago Conor McGregor was an apprentice plumber grinding out a living on the building sites of Dublin city; now the path is set for him to get...
Bully Beatdown was an American reality television series created by Mark Burnett which airs on MTV. In each episode, show host Jason "Mayhem" Miller...
UFC Primetime is a television series currently airing on FX in the United States. The show chronicles the training regimens of two UFC fighters prior...
UFC Unleashed is a television series produced by Spike TV and the Ultimate Fighting Championship. It features matches from past UFC events. Episodes...