Longing for a brighter future, two Senegalese teenagers embark on a journey from West Africa to Italy. However, between their dreams and reality lies...
Ben Singer is a failed children's folk singer, a career proofreader, a less-than-extraordinary weekend dad, and perhaps the most negative man alive....
A Senegalese platoon of soldiers from the French Free Army are returned from combat in France and held for a temporary time in a military encampment...
A penniless, fast-thinking musician buys a lottery ticket which he glues to his back door, in hopes of eventually retrieving his instrument from his...
Bizet's Carmen gets a modern adaptation. Seducting, provocating, sensual. All the ingredients for a perfect drama. With her charm, Karmen gets out of...
Binta, a little girl from Senegal, tells us about the everyday life in her village, the importance of education for the girls, and about her father's...