The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk, is a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock, a...
In 1989, Bob Lazar came forward with an incredible story: He had been recruited by the US government to work at the top secret Groom Lake/Area 51...
During the mid-22nd century, a century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the...
ھەقسىز چەكسىز زىيارەت, ھېچقانداق ئېلان يوق, مىليونلىغان ئۇنۋان ۋە ھەر كۈنى قوشۇلىدۇ, بارلىق سۇپىلار ۋە تولۇق ئەلالاشتۇرۇلغان, ھەر قانداق جايدا ۋە ھەر ۋاقىت