The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a...
"The Confidant" depicts how a group of eunuchs survive in the weakening Qing empire, and closely traces imperial eunuch Li Lianying's early life from...
The Imperial Qing Empire falls, officially ending the era of Emperors. Three palace eunuchs Lee Siu Kung, Dan Tin, and Chan Siu Fung are expelled and...
Can a hero with no combat abilities still save the empire? Wei Xiao Bao (Han Dong) is the most unlikely hero as the sly but witty son of a prostitute...
Set during the 14th year of Chenghua Emperor's reign, Tang Fan, a sixth rank official and Sui Zhou, an embroidered uniform guard, join hands to crush...
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