A space shuttle mission investigating Halley's Comet brings back a malevolent race of space vampires who transform most of London's population into...
Albert Einstein helps a young man who's in love with Einstein's niece to catch her attention by pretending temporarily to be a great physicist.
Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher and...
The year is 1985. Oliver, a boy with an overflowing imagination, moves with his family to the southernmost corner of Europe, just as Halley's Comet...
A dramatised life of Samuel Langhorn Clemens, or Mark Twain.
An agent who was sent riding on Halley's comet to the earth. He was actually given an order to destroy the earth. Captivated by planet's beauty,...
High-speed film and time-lapse photography combined to create breathtaking images of the night sky and Halley's Comet in this astronomical short...
One day, a kite fell in the city and a monster appeared. A hikikomori game with darkness Akari Moroboshi is the only one who challenges a monster,...
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