Jane, a struggling but perpetually stoned actress, has a busy day ahead. She has several important tasks on her list, including buying more...
Two college roommates venture out to identify a fellow student, who is most likely to commit suicide as it will help them pass the semester.
High up in the Northern California mountains there is a place, where not too many get to visit. Its called - The Emerald Triangle, real mecca of...
This 1971 color anti-drug use and abuse film was produced by Concept Films and directed by Brian Kellman for Encyclopedia Britannica. “Weed:...
After a rare night of drinking on her 25th birthday, Jess wakes up to a wicked hangover and surprise unemployment. As she struggles with whether or...
Marc Emery, Canada's most prominent marijuana activist popularly known as the "Prince of Pot," faces extradition to the U.S. and a possible life...
The global 'war on drugs' has seen countless human rights abuses and claimed many lives. In 2013, Uruguay [made history when it] became the first...
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