With the future of the human race at stake, a group of young men and women -- bred for intelligence and obedience -- embark on an expedition to...
A tough crisis comedy on a swing weekend where four different age couples face each other mentally and physically. Everyone has a crisis, either on...
Bonobos show a particularly pronounced sexual activity and an extraordinarily broad spectrum of sexual contacts for primates. These also extend to...
Four stories about Finnish life intersect. In the first one, drum artist Monkki Mähönen arrives for a renovation job at his old band mate's...
Sakari and Veera get engaged, madly in love. Not long after, Veera asks Sakari to help her in a matter relating to her father, and in a way that...
Hormones – without them, nothing would work in our body: the messenger substances control our physical and mental state. New studies show how...
Story about 29-year-old Krisu, who is quite lost in her life. Luckily, she has a indie band called Wendy and the Refugee Neverland.
A series of very short films inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects and other creatures.
An entertaining yet informative look into the bizarre seduction rituals that often precede the mating process.
Did you know that Australians have more outdoor sex than any other country? Or Brazilians are obsessed with bum shaking? From sexual fantasy to...
2010 Human Behavioral Biology lectures by Robert Sapolsky
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