Yuta Hibiki finds himself drawing Gridman, who he seems to have missing memories of. Now in his second year at Tsutsujidai High School, Yuta decides...
Alien invaders take over Great Mazinger who is at the entrance of a museum next to Mazinger Z as symbols of peace. Grendizer fights the evil invaders...
A movie recap of the Space Runaway Ideon TV Series. Humanity's pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo, where they find mysterious remains...
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2,...
In the distant future, mankind has lived quietly and restlessly underground for hundreds of years, subject to earthquakes and cave-ins. Living in one...
The story revolves around Duke Fleed who is a survivor of the Vega Star, raised by Dr. Umon as his adoptive son, and known as Daisuke Umon on Earth....
"Unknown" is a mysterious enemy that suddenly appeared a long time ago. As a countermeasure, the "Evolutionary Railway Development Agency" (ERDA) has...
In the near future, humanity has taken its first steps towards journeying into the far reaches of the galaxy. Upon doing so they discover a huge race...
Brave Police J-Decker is the fifth series of the anime television meta Brave series which aired in Japan during 1994 and 1995. Brave Police J-Decker...
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