With a static camera Tan films the dense night-time traffic in West Los Angeles from her temporary studio location at the Getty Center. Undercutting...
A documentary that explores the life of one of the world's most populated cities from its streets. Shot in 2009-2012 (before and during the Egyptian...
With a static camera Tan films the dense night-time traffic in West Los Angeles from her temporary studio location at the Getty Center. Undercutting...
With a static camera Tan films the dense night-time traffic in West Los Angeles from her temporary studio location at the Getty Center. Undercutting...
A drama about Cha Yeon-ho, a reasonable individualist from KAIST, and Min So-hee, a traffic investigation ace with cool judgment and warm sensitivity...
Bepul cheksiz kirish, Hech qanday reklamani qidirmang, Millionlab sarlavhalar va har kuni qo'shiladi, Barcha platformalar va to'liq optimallashtirilgan, Hamma joyda va istalgan vaqtda