Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross...
Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wang Ji, two talented disciples of respected clans, meet during cultivation training and accidentally discover a secret carefully...
Cha Sun-Hee is a housewife and she is married to Bong Cheon-Dae. Her husband is currently unemployed. She has a twin sister, Cha Do-Hee, who works as...
Even though Goo Hae-Ra is smart and beautiful, she is in miserable situation because of her family. Her older sister attempted suicide and her father...
A guardian of the stars, Chi Yu, is charged with maintaining the balance of power in the cosmos. When he loses the key to his power, the precious Sun...
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Kích hoạt tài khoản MIỄN PHÍ của bạn!
Truy cập miễn phí không giới hạn, Tìm kiếm bất kỳ thứ gì Không có Quảng cáo, Hàng triệu đầu sách và được thêm vào mỗi ngày, Tất cả các nền tảng và được tối ưu hóa hoàn toàn, Mọi lúc mọi nơi