The sadistic tale of a lonely, mentally handicapped boy who befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on...
Lacey, the shaken survivor of a bloody supernatural rampage in the countryside, is flown to Los Angeles where a slick movie producer plans to cash in...
Tommy finds a cursed mirror and a diary in an attic in the new house they moved in. The mirror starts to give Tommy horrible and gruesome visions as...
A newlywed couple checks into an old hotel in New Orleans where the wife begins having dreams in which she encounters a sinister group of people who...
The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. All...
The story begins with the invocation of the protagonist to another world, via a magic mirror. There, the main character discovers the magical academy...
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