Upon discovery of a shard of what could be the Loc-Nar, a miner named Tyler becomes possessed with an insatiable hunger for power and a thirst for...
Cry Baby, a strong and sensitive girl, is sent off to a disturbing sleepaway school that’s hidden underneath a grandiose façade....
Over the course of one night, Sarah meets the handsome, captivating and smooth talking Lewis, who aims to be the bait in a sick sexual trap set up by...
In 1924 Yuri killed 57 people as a spy before going underground as the madam of a small brothel. There, she encounters an orphan whose family was...
A series of supernatural events begins in a small coastal New Jersey town after the arrival of a mysterious teenage girl, who apparently has the...
Ukufikelela simahla, Khangela nantoni na Akukho Ntengiso, Izigidi zeetayitile kwaye zongezwa yonke imihla, Onke amaqonga aLungiselelwe ngokupheleleyo, Naphi na nanini na