Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk) follows the lives of three Inuit in Montreal over the course of one hot and humid summer.Only two generations ago Inuit...
In 2032 an eight-year old boy, displaced by global warming, fends for himself as an environmental refugee in a hostile northern metropolis. Haunted...
In a small town in the Canadian Arctic, Ippik, a young Inuit woman, suffers in an abusive relationship. She starts to heal when she connects with...
Through a tapestry of reflection, rare footage and her own home, Inuk filmmaker Holly Andersen tells the little-known story of the forced relocation...
Shot during three seasons, Kenuajuak's documentary tenderly portrays village life and the elements that forge the character of his people: their...
Ningiuksiak, an Inuk who lives in the settlement of Cape Dorset, is on a hunt with his family. On his way back to Cape Dorset, Ningiuksiak's...
Mosha Michael made an assured directorial debut with this seven-minute short, a relaxed, narration-free depiction of an Inuk seal hunt. Having...
The director goes back to her roots in Pangnirtung, amongst her family and community. It leads her to another journey: to Qipisa, the outpost camp...
It is taking decades for Canada to come to terms with its history in the Arctic, and with its relationship to all its indigenous people....
Ukufikelela simahla, Khangela nantoni na Akukho Ntengiso, Izigidi zeetayitile kwaye zongezwa yonke imihla, Onke amaqonga aLungiselelwe ngokupheleleyo, Naphi na nanini na