In a 19th-century European village, a young man about to be married is whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious corpse bride, while his...
When space galleon cabin boy Jim Hawkins discovers a map to an intergalactic "loot of a thousand worlds," a cyborg cook named John Silver teaches him...
The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague...
Jerry, a small-town Minnesota car salesman is bursting at the seams with debt... but he's got a plan. He's going to hire two thugs to kidnap his wife...
When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates...
Ebenezer Scrooge malcontentedly shuffles through life as a cruel, miserly businessman; until he is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who show...
A game show created in the United Kingdom, in which contestants attempt to answer general knowledge questions in an intimidating atmosphere in order...
Footballers' Wives is a British television drama surrounding the fictional Premier League Association football club Earls Park F.C., its players, and...