Despite a traumatic event, a group of friends decide to go ahead with their annual beach vacation. Their relationships, convictions, sense of guilt...
This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the story of one man's love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and...
Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how mammoth corporations have taken over all aspects of the food chain in the United States, from the...
Mina has everything going for her, but her world is turned upside down when work sends her to her hometown in Tennessee where she must convince an...
Sales of organic products have increased tenfold in 20 years. In 2020, the market will have exceeded 13 billion euros in sales. The heavyweights of...
An exploration of a new paradigm of health, science, and medicine, based on the interconnections between us and nature.
What’s “organic” really? Are people better off eating organic foods? Are organic farms better for the environment? This film looks...
American Meat is a solutions-oriented documentary chronicling the current state of the U.S. meat industry. Featuring Joel Salatin, Chuck Wirtz, Fred...
It is a daring idea: to grow food from old mattresses in a desolate camp at the edge of a war zone. When a refugee scientist meets two quirky...
Within the last half century, our agriculture and food has changed more than it has changed before in several thousand years. New technologies and...
Nicolas Supiot shows us his unique and authentic way of making all natural sourdough bread.
Built on a layer of frozen earth, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada has subarctic winters where temperatures routinely drop below −40°C. Meet the...
An eloquent cowboy, four criminals, and a delicious bag of tortilla chips.
This film explores food sustainability, how farmers' markets build community, and why local food matters. Filmmaker Dr. Benjamin Garner is an...
This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.
Join world-renowned chef, Analiese Gregory as she steps out of the restaurant kitchen and in to nature in Tasmania, Australia. Share her journey of...
Ukufikelela simahla, Khangela nantoni na Akukho Ntengiso, Izigidi zeetayitile kwaye zongezwa yonke imihla, Onke amaqonga aLungiselelwe ngokupheleleyo, Naphi na nanini na