The quasi-fictional story of transgender sex workers living in Rio de Janeiro's swampy red light district, who are joined by a group of hippies and a...
After receiving a letter calling for a secret conspiracy meeting, a woman is mistaken for a controversial policy and kidnapped by a pair of...
Luz and Denise grow up in the midst of the adversities of being LGBT in the extreme south of the city of São Paulo. Between Vogue and poetry,...
Through a historical-affective reconstruction of the Boca do Lixo region, in São Paulo, the documentary aims to investigate what was the...
Rebels on the surface, retrogrades in essence. “The Ridiculists”, a duo composed of the eccentric and explosive, “The...
In Brazil's countryside, Amanda tries to get her first show while Thamires tries to make her first film, both at risk of the highway.
'' reveals the strength and importance of marginal cinema in the 60s and 70s. In the film, the cardboard collector dreams of becoming a...
Free ונלימיטעד אַקסעס, זוכן פֿאַר עפּעס קיין אַדס, מיליאַנז פון טיטלען און צוגעגעבן יעדער טאָג, אַלע פּלאַטפאָרמס און גאָר אָפּטימיזעד, ערגעץ און עניטיים