After being set-up and betrayed by the man who hired him to assassinate a Texas Senator, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against...
A punk rock band becomes trapped in a secluded venue after finding a scene of violence. For what they saw, the band themselves become targets of...
When a family moves into a San Francisco apartment, an opportunistic troll decides to make his move and take possession of little Wendy, thereby...
On the threshold of 22nd century, furrowing the space, protagonist from the Free Search Group makes emergency landing on an unknown planet where he...
An upright priest, disliked the corrupt upper echelons of V.A.T.I.C.A.N.O., is imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to certain death. But by divine...
Free ונלימיטעד אַקסעס, זוכן פֿאַר עפּעס קיין אַדס, מיליאַנז פון טיטלען און צוגעגעבן יעדער טאָג, אַלע פּלאַטפאָרמס און גאָר אָפּטימיזעד, ערגעץ און עניטיים