Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first...
After an airplane crash during a school trip, Oribe Mutsumi and her classmates were stranded on a seemingly deserted island. Mutsumi found the other...
In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree...
The surreal misadventures of two best friends - a blue jay and a raccoon - as they seek to liven up their mundane jobs as groundskeepers at the local...
A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, they'll fall for you. Will Makoto win his love by...
Jang Byeong-tae is a small and weak boy living in Onyang in South Chungcheong Province. He's at the bottom of the school's social ladder and when he...
In this coming-of-age drama series, five schoolgirls staying away from home find solace and friendship in each other. But their bonds are tested when...
Four normal girls could've moved to Oslo with ambitious #lifegoals and unstoppable career opportunities, but who prefer a comfortable existence back...