In the dark days of Nazi occupation, a young Hutsul girl native to the Carpathian mountains falls in love with a wounded Soviet partisan. Their...
The story of the "Hutsul Robin Hood" Oleksa Dovbush, an 18th century Carpathian Mountains outlaw who's a popular figure of Ukrainian legend.
1939 . A young Ukrainian-American man Yaro comes to the Carpathian Mountains, because his father left him a fortune under the condition that he would...
As Carpathian legend has it, Oleksa Dovbush was a heroic outlaw with excellent fighting skills and a gift to predict the future. He was left an...
In a mountain village one woman's beauty and popularity with the men incurs the wrath of the others. AKA The Stray.
During the Soviet occupation of Ukraine in a Hutsul village, a young orphaned traumatized woman named Darusya is trying to overcome her terrible...
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