Conducting clandestine experiments within the morgue at Miskatonic University, scientist Herbert West reveals to a fellow graduate student his...
A bunch of zombies that are used by the government to fight in a major war in the near future get launched into space. The space shuttle gets caught...
Its Brains, B-R-A-I-N-S and pass the pom poms as Horror ensues when a camp full of air headed cheerleaders face a contagious Zombie Virus.
Returning from work, Jonas starts to suffer from a stomachache and, to make things worse, none of the elevators are available to use. The situation...
A psycho serial killer is stalking potential victims that he butchers and dismembers to make his ultimate snuff film.
Rock band 'Stack of Corpses' wake up in the woods to discover they have narrowly survived a car crash. Rather than calling for help their petty...
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