Featuring never-before-seen footage of the band and the legions of young fans who helped fuel their ascendance, follow McCartney, John Lennon, George...
His unforgettable scores are an essential part of some of the most beloved movies of our time, over a career that spans decades. See and hear maestro...
This documentary chronicles the rise, fall, and rise again of the soft rock epitomized by artists such as Christopher Cross, Michael McDonald, Kenny...
Road Diary: Bruce Springsteen and The E Street BandHD
IMDb: 8.1
This documentary opens a new door to Springsteen's creative process for fans around the world, sharing fly-on-the-wall footage of band rehearsals and...
An intimate, fantastical and narrative-driven reflection of Jennifer Lopez's journey of self-healing and self-love in an immersive world where music...
The three-part documentary series, compiled from over 60 hours of unseen footage, captures the warmth, camaraderie, and creative genius that defined...
Spotlighting the most influential songs, bands, and musicians in the history of rock n' roll with a rotating panel of music icons and experts for an...
An immersive, deep-dive docuseries rich with archival footage and interviews that explores the musicians and soundtracks that shaped the culture and...