In Manhattan's Central Park, a film crew directed by William Greaves is shooting a screen test with various pairs of actors. It's a confrontation...
A man wanders an oceanic dreamscape in search of a woman from his past.
Animator Ryan Larkin does a visual improvisation to music performed by a popular group presented as sidewalk entertainers. His take-off point is the...
"Des-authorized" is the combination of three stories, three realities that coexist and feed. The journey begins in the imagination of Elia K, the...
Zdenek Pešánek created the first public kinetic sculpture, for the power station in Prague. This short experimental film focuses on a...
A constant journey from outer space to a town in Norway, where we encounter small pieces of people’s lives.
A cinematic journey through the world. Non-verbal.
Seven actors are brought to an isolated house where they must stay in character for three days under constant surveillance.
Experience of a woman's existential crisis through the story of a night.
A destructive sequence with infinite consequences.
This non-narrative short film examines one of the great American icons: the Louisville Slugger baseball bat. The film was conceived by its...
A non-verbal visual journey to the polar regions of our planet portrayed through a triptych montage of photography and video. Landscapes at the...
A 5 minute, 2D, straight-ahead animated film by Bruce Bickford.
A man sifts through his dreams, dilemmas, memories, secrets and the poetics of love as he harbours his greatest desire, to simply die.
Experimental college short film. Two servants plan and execute the coronation of a delicate and machiavellian entity until sunset.
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