World-renowned Drag Queen Miz Cracker helps a Texas family that’s experiencing strange occurrences after renovating their 1892 home. As a lover...
In this absurd sequel, Selina has no idea how to fulfill her destiny as the new Moon Wizard, but she's been having visions predicting the return of...
The film follows Danny Feather, his older brother mysteriously died in the murder tunnels. Named after that because of a serial killer that murdered...
A snack-hungry teen finds himself trapped in a surreal nightmare after reaching for his favorite gummy bears.
Spooky Wednesday is a radio show that airs every other Wednesday from 10 p.m. until the witching hour, two hours later. In the show, listeners can...
In a nightmarish world a girl dances her way to an abandoned house where the TV is left on.
A young boy discovers a monster may be lurking in the woods behind his house and he must face his fear to uncover the truth.
A young man fears he may not be alone in his home.
Jake Kong Jr. and Eddie Spencer Jr. are sons of the original Ghost Busters, and they work alongside Tracy the Gorilla (who also worked with their...
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