A compelling story about Grammy-winning Venezuelan funksters Los Amigos Invisibles, from their early days playing in Caracas, Venezuela, to being...
Through humor, anecdotes and their songs, mythical Venezuelan ska band Desorden Público tells their story and that of three decades of their...
Dcumentary directed by Alberto Arvelo, which is a record for the posterity of as the first five decades of the career as the projection into the...
This documentary tells the story behind "Indeleble", the album with which Los Mesoneros received four Latin Grammy nominations and toured many...
Film featuring Simón Bolivar Orquesta Sinfónica, Gustavo Dudamel and Felix Mendoza
An independent rockumentary that comprises first-hand testimonials about the history of Sentimiento Muerto, the most influential band in Venezuela,...
Stop wasting energy following the plot. Who cares if your socks don't match? This is the mental vacation you needed. So sit down, relax and enjoy the...
In its heyday, Changa Tuki, aka Raptor House, attracted thousands of young people to afternoon parties called "matinees", from those parties a...
A child tries to improve the life of the animals in a zoo by playing music with his tin four.
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