As glam rock's most flamboyant survivors, X Japan ignited a musical revolution in Japan during the late '80s with their melodic metal. Twenty years...
A look back at the life and career of Japanese guitarist hide, who died under questionable circumstances in 1998.
On May 2, 1998, Hide, a leading Japanese rock musician who had been active as a guitarist for X JAPAN and as a solo artist (hide with Spread...
X Japan's very last live concert on December 31, 1997 at Tokyo Dome. The show was important in two ways, since it marked the end of a band but it...
DVD edition of "DAHLIA TOUR FINAL 1996" filmed on December 31, 1996 at Tokyo Dome, originally released on video in 1997. A 2-disc set. On Vocal -...
live broadcast x japan japan tour 2015 in nagoya
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