In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree...
The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add...
A secret life is the one thing they have in common. At school, Hori is a prim and perfect social butterfly, but the truth is she's a brash homebody....
Ousai Academy is a former all-girls private high school which has recently been integrated for both genders. Takatoshi Tsuda is pushed into becoming...
Hoshitani Yuta enters Ayanagi Academy, a school focusing on show business activities, specifically music. The academy has a group of the grade three...
Wiwọle Kolopin ọfẹ, Wa fun ohunkohun Ko si Awọn ipolowo, Milionu ti awọn akọle ati fi kun ni gbogbo ọjọ, Gbogbo awọn iru ẹrọ ati Iṣapeye Ni kikun, Nibikibi ati nigbakugba