Set in the 7th century AD during the Korean peninsula's division into three perpetually warring kingdoms, Once Upon A Time In A Battlefield focuses...
Bahram Beyzai's poetic imagining of the circumstances that led to the death of Yazdgerd III, the last of the Sassanid kings of Iran. His death in...
It’s 7th century, when Arabia is made up of rival, feuding tribes, disunited and forever at each other’s throats. Emperor Kisra has a...
Kim Chunchu is the grandson of King Jinji, but when his grandfather is overthrown, Chunchu is denied the chance to become a successor to the throne...
Based on events in 7th and 8th-century Tang dynasty and starring producer Fan Bingbing as the titular character Wu Zetian, The Empress of China is...
Set in the Baekje kingdom in the mid-7th century, the drama chronicles the life and times of the storied warrior General Gyebaek who is remembered in...
Women of the Tang Dynasty is an upcoming Chinese television series based on events in the Tang Dynasty starting from the late reign of Wu Zetian to...
The third daughter, Princess Chiu Yeung, of the Tang Emperor, is known throughout the kingdom for her beauty, but she is also known for her...
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