In Akihabara, Sakura Sakuragi (Yurika Kubo) runs cat cafe "Mocha." She listens to her customers’ troubles there. The various customers that...
Akihabara is a neighborhood of Tokyo, Japan known as "Electric Town" for its rows of one-meter wide discount computer and electronics stores. In more...
A beautiful-yet-awkward genius recruits three otaku to protect Akihabara. Powered only by their own delusions, and aiming to be acknowledged as a...
Akihabara is the center of the universe for the coolest hobbies and quirkiest amusements. In the spring of 1999, bright-eyed Nagomi Wahira moves...
Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their...
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