Through visual metaphors and circumstantial installations, Chella Man explores his cyborg identity and personal relationship to the freedom and...
A spate of robberies in Southern California schools had an oddly specific target: tubas. In this work of creative nonfiction, d/Deaf first-time...
The power of fostering animals in need is undeniable. Hopalong Animal Rescue, based in Oakland, CA, demonstrates this every day. This short film...
Following the loss of his fiancé, Jason struggles to process his haunted emotions. This touching drama takes a creative approach to remind us...
An aspiring classical pianist loses his hearing and, with the help of those closest to him, must find the strength to play again. . .
God's story is unstoppable when it is in the heart language of a people group. Deaf Missions' Jesus Film uses native signers to bring the story of...
A Deafblind fencer and author competes in all arenas just for the right to be seen.
The inspirational tale of four-time Women's Motocross Association champion Ashley Fiolek, deaf since birth.
In American Sign Language (ASL) with subtitles available in English, Spanish and Canadian French. This powerful documentary uses real life...
In this engaging documentary, filmmaker MJ Kiego interviews Deaf parents of CODA children, who describe their feelings towards dealing with the...
The Legend of the Mountain Man is a family-friendly story that will be enjoyed by viewers of all ages in American Sign Language. The Legend of the...
Featuring an entirely deaf cast and shot exclusively in American Sign Language, this is the story of a desperate, grieving couple who think they have...
When a Deaf hitman goes to kill his Deaf target, the two get caught up in an argument over what should constitute appropriate last words, as the...
“In This Moment” is the story of a transwoman named Love, who is polyamorous and trying to navigate the world around her identities by...
After a horrific encounter with a stranger, two friends, one blind and other deaf, use their senses to defend themselves from a robbery gone.
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