A nuanced documentary that follows a year in the life of legendary Helsinki all-boys choir Cantores Minores, from rehearsals to performances and...
A group of young mice is in the ruins of a church, practicing singing for an upcoming service. After singing an adulterated version of "Hark! The...
Tozoom site Africa conceals treasures that ignite the imagination of travellers, but also that of all... Who has not dreamed of this magical...
1960s. Arden is an introvert kid who was brought up in a strict Catholic orphanage. Insecure about his voice, he pretends to sing during choir...
While Felix loses his voice, he believes he needs treatment. But is it really a disease that blocks or rather the feelings he tries to choke?
A twelve year old boy who lives in a small town where strict social codes are observed, joins the choir to get to know a young girl of his own age...
A great symbiosis of music and documentary film which creates a true-to-life impression of the sense of community what singing in a choir means....
A renowned and widowed otolaryngologist hires a young, penniless poet as live-in nanny for his three rowdy – but musically gifted –...
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