Andrés and Julissa now parents to a seven year old Carlitos struggle to live happily as a family despite being fervent fans of rival teams and...
Eleven-year-old petty criminal Maroa lives with her violent grandmother Brigida in Caracas. After her boyfriend Carlos is involved in a shooting,...
Four nights in Caracas. A documentary essay about chaos and civilization.
Caracas, Venezuela. 1982. Ryan of the DEA and Carlos the PTJ join forces to stop the most dangerous drug lord of the country, Disco Herrera.
1989. Caracas is once again in danger with the comeback of the most dangerous drug lord of Venezuela, Disco Herrera; just months after "The...
Caracas has been changing since the nineteenth century this is a story that tries to explain why the Venezuelan capital is complex, chaotic and...
Anita Camacho, an ambitious maid poses as the owner of the house where she works in order to seduce a man of money, marry him and finally stop being...
The film portrays two of the most important producers of a movement born in the early 2000s, as well as the testimonies of some of its signatures...
A marine adventure on the persecution of dreams becomes a pretext to play with art forms.
A drug deal gone wrong; a passionate blackmail that turned violent; and a kidnapping with the two worst kidnappers in the world.
In its heyday, Changa Tuki, aka Raptor House, attracted thousands of young people to afternoon parties called "matinees", from those parties a...
Pablo is a young man going through a crisis of love. His best friend decides to take him to reunion party; there he encounters Daniela, the great...
A young man roams the streets of Caracas.
This short Graffiti documentary exposes the reality of a group of Venezuelan friends who have grown up in the midst of the chaos of their hometown...
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