A notorious gangster is incited to transform into a film hero and opts for a filmmaker and their project descends into a scenario they had never...
A low caste boxer, Shravan, trains at a gym controlled by a local Don, Mishra. Shravan falls for Mishra's niece, Sunaina. Mishra does not approve of...
The film explores barriers of class and status stitched in the minds of societies, underscoring a narrative of love that can never be fulfilled. Or...
A group of college students gets entangled in the scheme of a fledgling caste outfit that wants to turn into a political party.
Despite being at a respectable job of Village Administrative Officer (VAO), Chinnasamy, an enterprising youngster from an oppressed class has still...
During the 2020 pandemic summer, El Colegio de la Desextinción infiltrated into the holidays of four Divine Caste’s descendants. This...
'Mod' is an attempt by the filmmaker at communicating with the young men who hang out at the ‘notorious’ water tank in her neighbourhood...
The story of ‘blue dogs’ is about two watchful, loyal dogs of some supposed huge mobster, with his work in and around Mumbai. As the...
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