'The Devil's Miner' tells the story of 14-year-old Basilio who worships the devil for protection while working in a Bolivian silver mine to support...
Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's...
The classic tale of David Copperfield's life is brought to the screen in this faithful and entertaining animated feature for your kids and family.
A team of journalists investigate how human trafficking and child labor in the Ivory Coast fuels the worldwide chocolate industry. The crew interview...
Ever since it was revealed that the chocolate industry is involved with child slavery in the Ivory Coast, the industry has been busy – due to...
A twelve year old boy was shot because of raising voice against child labor mafia. This is a forgotten story.
A group of miners (including a sole black worker) exits the colliery gates.
Shu is from Datania, a country that makes young children work. He and his friends were trying to escape when they met the Returners. The Returners...
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