Amateur chefs compete against each other by hosting a dinner party for the other contestants. Each competitor then rates the host's performance with...
The newspaper office, Tozai Shinbun, plans to publish the Ultimate Menu to commemorate their 100th anniversary. It would not only describe foods but...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to...
Spend a fun and food-filled morning in The Kitchen with hosts Sunny Anderson, Katie Lee, Jeff Mauro, Marcela Valladolid, and Geoffrey Zakarian. From...
Aspiring restaurateurs brave Ramsay and his fiery command of the kitchen as he puts the competitors through an intense culinary academy to prove they...
Iron Chef is a Japanese television cooking show produced by Fuji Television. The series, which premiered on October 10, 1993, is a stylized cook-off...