The events revolve around Akram, who receives an invitation to attend a masquerade party. He decides to wear police uniforms, which causes him to...
Two cops are sent in to defuse a bomb, but when one of the cops has split personality disorder, it's up to the other to find the right personality...
The extraordinary untold story of the heroism and sacrifice of the NYPD’s elite rescue squad - the Emergency Service Unit - on 9/11.
An honest cop named Joshua Marino is transferred to the city of Plainview, New York, where the streets run dirty with crime and corruption....
A look at the work of the US police.
This story follows a pizza delivery boy who encounters a violent red neck couple, two over-amped cops and a transvestite Nazi war criminal planning...
RoboCop: The Series is a 1994 television series based on the film of the same name. It stars Richard Eden as the title character. Made to appeal...
The misadventures of Lieutenant Harina and his partner, Officer Ramírez, a very special police couple, who find themselves with the...
The “sports teacher” Julián seeks to obtain as much evidence as possible to arrest the father of a student, who is a criminal....
A series, that will show the viewer the daily life of a district police department that fights local crime. It may seem that the guys are just...
Cyborg cop Alex Murphy, with his partner Officer Anne Lewis fight to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and to reclaim...
Two cops with very different methods, solving mysterious murder cases surrounded by black magic.
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