The lives of two local professional dancers change suddenly as American soldiers stop in their town hoping to be entertained in accordance with the...
Assaulted by Third World outlaws, donkey-riding Rosie joins a silent drifter's search for gold.
A humble Romanian actor in his 40's, hardly surviving between a complicated part in a musical, a depressed wife, and the obsession of an imminent,...
Chicago After Midnight (1928)
Two young strangers meet in Naples and begin to flirt and dance in the street.
A synthesis of sound and movement; colourful characters dance and move in repetitive patterns to percussive and melodic elements. A combination of...
The story unfolds in an alternate reality. Chee-Ke works for the "dance police". By the will of fate, he has to quit. For three years there is no...
Stories about young Ukrainian dancers and their hasty flight to the Netherlands. You see their new life as refugees. The former conservatory in The...
Bill Moyers and filmmaker David Grubin give viewers a rare glimpse into dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones’s highly acclaimed dance Still/Here....
This ultra-kitsch documentary goes behind the scenes at Murray's Cabaret Club, where Christine Keeler was later a showgirl.
Hear the Lama band, see the sacred dances: welcome to Sikkim, in the shadow of the Himalayas.
Two lazy friends (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos) find a job as ice-cream vendors to pay their back rent. When they start giving ice-cream to...
The motions and gestures of military riot police, slowed down while performed by dancers, are surprisingly beautiful. Menace and violence estranged...
Soon after the VE Day celebrations, there is a second chance to let the hair down, and these dancers make the most of it with much humour.
Follow the lives of popular dancers at the World Famous Playground Dance Studio, in Los Angeles.
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