In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate...
In the new Tokyo, where every fetish has a face, burned-out war photographer Tatsumi Saiga is slumming in the tabloid wasteland. Sent to dig up dirt...
Five teenagers suffered neglect from their families. They were entangled in various problems such as rape, homophobia, prostitution, domestic abuse,...
Angela Black leads a seemingly idyllic life with two beautiful sons and a charming, hard-working husband while covering the fact that she is a victim...
A man lives his life trying to foster a hatred for his enemy and devising ways to seek revenge. Le Jun Kai decides to marry his enemy's daughter, Ye...
Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe...