In this animated musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", Ebenezer Scrooge - via Mr. Magoo's starring performance in a stage...
An undercover agent wrongly punished for murder is paroled to a remote tropical island with a diamond mine slave labor run by a sadistic foreigner.
People battling to the death in a seemingly endless wasteland searching for the Embodiment of Angst.
Documentary on doom metal band The Obsessed. Featuring members of: White Zombie, Fugazi, Pantera, Henry Rollins, L7, The Melvins and more.
I was scrounging around the neighborhood for inspiration. Within a block from my apartment, I found a wild mushroom in the grass, and an...
This vivid film of Wagner's romatic opera succeeds in conveying what has famously been called "the wind that blows out at you whenever you open the...
"After chasing sunsets, one of life's simple joys is playing with the boys." - Kenneth Clark Loggins
Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. The Half Light 3. My Tears Are Still Falling 4. Illusions of Perfection 5. The Wine's Dance 6. Eclipse 7. Last Visions ...
Doomed Nation Video 'zine hailed from Chicago, and showcased the artistic talents of Tom Denney. The interview segments are of SOURVEIN and a couple...
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