A young boy tries to cope with rural life circa 1950s and his fantasies become a way to interpret events. After his father tells him stories of...
As a child, Donald was tormented by his mother who used fire as a punishment. Now a deranged adult, Donald stalks women at clubs, then takes them...
A ten year old boy gets tired of life with abusive parents and cashes in his piggy bank and steals a Mustang. He rides off into a surreal America...
Three people driving into Los Angeles for a Dodgers game have car trouble and pull off into an old wrecking yard where they are held at bay by a...
Documentary film about the history of Oil prices and the future of alternative fuels. The film takes a wide, yet detailed examination of our...
A short film warning the unaware housewife of the dangers of “dry cleaning” with gasoline at home.
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