“El Apagón: Aquí Vive Gente” is a documentary directed by Bad Bunny and Blanca Graulau. This 23-minute film explores the...
Tell Them We Were Here is an inspirational feature-length documentary about eight artists who show us why art is vital to a healthy society and...
A young boy who had been abandoned as a child and raised by wild dogs is taken to a university where a team attempts to teach him civilized behavior.
Toronto filmmaker Charles Officer profiles the young people of Villaways Park, a housing project on brink of historic change.
While looking for a new home for his family, a Haitian demolition worker is faced with the realities of redevelopment as he is tasked with...
A woman risks everything to secure a future for herself and her brother by setting out on a dangerous odyssey in Portland, in doing so confronting...
After a long absence an artist returns to her gentrified community where she explores her social position and complicity in the rapid changes.
The baker, the pie-maker and the diminished long-term community of Hoxton Street face gentrification in this compelling portrait of a rapidly...
An alleged curse disturbs the relationship of a newly married couple as they try to conceive a child while co-starring on their problematic new HGTV...
Three Latinx cousins navigate their differences as they work to keep their grandfather's taco shop afloat in their rapidly gentrifying L.A....
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