The time is the summer of 1982, and the Falklands war is at hand when the young "Argie" follows a British woman home and is stopped from raping her...
Aurora and Bernardo are experiencing moments of happiness, but their joy is interrupted by the onset of war.
Based on the lives of four boys, all of different social classes and psychological makeup, this film tries to reflect through them the political...
An ex-combatant is admitted to a psychiatric facility due to what happened in the Falklands War. During his stay in that institution, he will find a...
A story that explores the role of women in the Malvinas War. The protagonist, leader of a group of veteran nurses, commits suicide while this...
Victor, a retired Argentine lieutenant from the Falklands War, is hospitalized as a result of catatonia. Through a dreamlike and dark journey, he...
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