In 2001, Jimmy Wales published the first article on Wikipedia, a collaborative effort that began with a promise: to democratize the spreading of...
The Weight of Sight is a playful and very personal essay where director Truls Krane Meby, through a massive archive of his own material - anything...
It's a genius story that all started with a silly word, Google. While most may know Google, few know the story of the revolution's geniuses. Follow...
An adrenaline-fueled ride through the culture of speculation, innovation and disruption during Silicon Valley’s unprecedented tech boom and...
Dashing authors, the first porn sites and the last bastards. How the Russian Internet appeared and how it changed: from complete freedom to the...
At the beginning of 2009, in the midst of the financial crisis, "Satoshi Nakamoto" put Bitcoin into circulation. He created the first decentralised...
Patrick Kielty hosts a comedy chat show in which special guests hand over their laptops to see what their internet history can reveal about them.
免费无限访问, 搜索没有广告, 每天都有数以百万计的标题和添加, 所有平台和全面优化, 随时随地