Friends and admirers of iconoclastic film director Sam Fuller read from his memoirs in this unconventional documentary directed by Fuller's only...
Renowned writer F. Scott Fitzgerald is living the last months of his life with his youthful secretary, confidant, and protégé who later...
Like a visual elegy, My Memory Is Full of Ghosts explores a reality caught between past, present and future in Homs, Syria. Behind the self-portrait...
“Bats of the Round Table,” an over dinner recollection of the original 1966 Batman TV series with Adam West and celebrity friends Kevin...
Born from steel and glass Kino Kopf is created by two inventors. They are assembled by their mother, a nurturing artist, and their Father a greedy...
A New Yorker journeys to the jungle in the Darien Gap of Panama to reconnect with an indigenous tribe he met and photographed 20 years ago. Their...
Otakar Vávra walks through Prague in front of the camera and with the camera, and remembers those who in the 1930s determined the pulse of the...
This piece is inspired by the memoirs of Sepideh Gholian. A prisoner of conscience at 26 years old in Bushehr prison, Iran.
Forgotten Transports to Poland is a documentary by Lukáš Přibyl, part of a series that explores lesser-known Holocaust...
In January of 1942, two first transports with hundreds of Czech Jews leave Theresienstadt for the east. After a journey lasting several days, the...
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