Detective Amelia Van Helsing is on the desperate hunt for the killer responsible for a string of grisly murders targeting young women. Matters only...
Batavia City, a beautiful city that can no longer be safely inhabited. Robbery, violence, and a variety of increasingly rampant criminality. In the...
地产商的女儿 Michelle...
Marcelle Toing, owner of the best restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, must go on missions to steal ingredients from human restaurants to keep his meals the...
When an arcade manager realizes her brother has been transported into a dangerous video game, she and her two best friends follow him into the...
Under a powerful Mayan curse, snakes are hatched inside a young woman, slowly devouring her from within. Her only chance for survival is a powerful...
When flying reptilian creatures wreak havoc all over the world, the survivors’ only hope of stopping them is a new, state-of-the-art fighter...
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