California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited...
Suits on the Loose is the story of two rebellious teens, Justin and Ty, and their breakout from a desert survival camp. When two naive Mormon...
Meghan Doherty is a young, talented executive who neglects her mother and close friends to focus on one goal MAKING MONEY. After closing a...
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
A lady gas station attendant gets mixed up with escaped murderers.
Recently returned combat veteran Matt Benning (Will Brandt) finds himself entangled in a dangerous web of drugs, violence, and toxic love that...
Bored socialite Florence Pancho Barnes decides to learn to fly.
Documentary short about a strange phenomenon where a phone booth that was in the middle of the Mojave Desert began to attract people around the world...
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