This film is about Rebecca and Alex, a newly separated couple who are spending their last day living together, before Rebecca moves out. The film...
Narrator is a man in his early 30s who is cooking pasta while enjoying a seemingly normal morning. Suddenly, the phone rings: a mysterious voice is...
A documentary part of CBS reports. The plight of mental patients fit for discharge, but who find themselves thrust into communities unprepared to...
A fearless horse bonds two men to each other and to the traditions that define their community.
An ex-couple meets up at a cafe 6 months after their break-up, in an attempt to be friends. But, with so many hidden emotions and expectations...
A young man and an older one meet by happenstance in a local cafe and decide to sit and talk about their points of view on life.
At a farewell camping trip, an intelligent but immature young man struggles to recapture his glory days with his two best friends, but they quickly...
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