A peaceful community is forever changed when a mysterious young woman moves in. As the quirky locals embrace her, their lives soon improve. But, they...
Irene is a lonely 50-year-old ornithologist who, during secret research in the rainforest, immerses herself in a sensory journey to rescue her...
The Iron Man takes us on an introspective journey into the life of Toni, a man who finds in art and nature the essential pillars of his existence....
In Pica Pica Kristersson invites the viewer to be enthralled for an hour and a half by the vicissitudes of magpie life. Opposing himself to the...
Portrait of Hermann Heinzel.
A silent ornithology film from Bray Studios
The long running, often bitter scientific debate over the origin of birds and the evolution of flight.
Follow one man’s journey chasing America’s favorite backyard bird halfway around the world and back.
Passionate ornithologist Pierre Verville continues his fascinating foray into the world of birds. He ventures into Central Canada and the Maritimes...
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